Friday, August 8, 2008


I finished my finals for Summer Two yesterday. I am so happy, I made a 92 on my Geography final and a 93 on my American National Government final. I have two weeks off and then Fall starts! My babies are spending the night with our friends tonight and we are watching a movie and making Homeade Laundry Soap...Yes I said Homeade. Our friend made some and had the recipe for it, it is actually really cool and very cost effective. Smells really good and you do not have to use fabric softner. Well, I had a busy day, I think I used 1/2 tank of gas in my truck, but I got all of my errands done.

1 comment:

  1. The kids were so good as always...except our daughters got up at 3am, however I didn't hear them till after 5 so I didn't beat We will all be making our laundry detergent!
