Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Verdict Is In....

Happy New Year! The verdict is in.....over the month of December we did 94 loads of laundry, about half of the Duggar's. The sad thing is, is that we have four in our family versus twenty in theirs. I knew we did alot of laundry but had no idea that we did that much, and this was a normal camping trips, no returning from Church camp. I guess it is a good thing my wife makes our laundry soap....saving us money! Well it is the New Year, I guess we will see how things shape up pretty soon. New President in a few days, I'm sure the economy will bounce back as soon as he is in office (according to the media), and I'm sure their will be World Peace as well....after all Obama is the greatest right? I have a few New Years resolutions this year and I am determined to stick with them but I am not saying what they are just in case I don't stick with them...LOL...Anyways Happy New Year!

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